Monday, September 27, 2004

IDEA: Snapshot/Revert

I've been playing some computer games in the last few days, and I've also been using VMWare for work. I realised this morning that VMWare's snapshot/revert function (where you can snapshot the machine at any point, then later revert to that state as often as you like) would be excellent for gaming. You know those games where there is no save point for ages, and there's something really hard well into it that keeps killing you, so you have to keep redoing large parts of the game over and over again? Imagine if you could press a "Snapshot" button just prior to the really hard bit, which would freeze the machine, save all relevant things (memory particularly? Maybe some HD changes? What else?) away to disk somewhere. Then the machine would unfreeze. Then you play the hard bit, get killed (again!), press the "Revert" button, the machine freezes, the stuff that was saved away is restored to memory, etc, and you are suddenly sitting just before the hard bit, ready to do it again. You get killed again. "Restore" again. Repeat until you make it through.

How awesome would that be? Of course, I have no idea how to make it work. It's an excellent case for trying to play games in a VMWare session actually. I'll try that when I get my stonking new laptop.


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