Sunday, August 28, 2005


A cool online comic, it'll be on my "check back and read this every so often when you are bored" list, along with Bob the Angry Flower and Dilbert.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Orion's Arm

Orion's arm appears to be a collaborative hard sci-fi world building project, which details a timeline of the universe out to 11,000 years in the future. Apparently the depth of the work is awesome, it's something I've really got to check out...

Thursday, August 18, 2005 -- U.S. Okays Virgin Galactic Spaceship Plans

So SpaceShipTwo is going ahead, a nine passenger sub-orbital craft. Oh yeah!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Albert J Bernstein's website

This guy wrote "Neanderthals at work", my single favourite business pop psych book. If you work with other people, you should read this book to better understand them.

The site has some cool looking stuff on it, like his "How to deal with Emotionally Explosive People" section.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yahoo! Search - Web Search

OK, I'm a total google junkie normally; google search, gmail, google earth (Oh my god!), google desktop search. But I just had a rumage through Yahoo Search, and it actually kicks butt. I might be biased though, by the fact that it finds my stuff better than google does. Google had better watch out...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Supernova 2005: It's a Whole New, Connected World

"Something fundamentally big is happening that will profoundly affect the life of every person and every business over the next five to 15 years -- the collapsing of everything into one single, global, ubiquitous, collaborative virtual IT world."

etc. It's an interesting article, well worth a read.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

CMU online game will be used to help teach computers to see

A cool article on efforts to get humans to do image recognition type tasks for computers, by turning the task into a free online game. There's real potential in this idea; harnessing the network of people on the internet.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Optus Turbocharge Game

A very cute flash game involving turbo charged penguins.

Google Earth - Home

God dammit, you can zoom in on anything on planet earth, from orbit. This is AMAZING. Try finding your own house.

The software required is an easy install, so there is no excuse, give it a go!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Water ice in crater at Martian north pole

Here's the picture:

Water ice in crater picture

Read the article. Cool!