Saturday, November 20, 2004

Web Guy

Hot damn, but I am sick of desktop apps. It's a pity, because most of my professional life is spent in building them. I am coming to the conclusion that good web based apps are better, though, because they are available everywhere.

Yes, but what if I don't have an internet connection, you ask? Well, I answer thoughfully, get one, are you some kind of retard? I think we're past the point where I can assume that every computer (and lots of other devices) has a 'net connection, except if it's used by some stupid loser in which case I couldn't care.

Ahem, well, here is a short list of ridiculously useful web apps:

- Google, search engine
- GMail, best web mail (need an invite? Ask me for one)
-, web based IM
- Net2FTP, web based FTP client
-, free online photo hosting

GMail is also useful for contact management and as a general knowledge base

I'll add more as I find them. What I'd *really* like is wordprocessing & spreadsheeting


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