Circadiana: Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sleep (But Were Too Afraid To Ask)
This is an awesome blog about sleep, from someone who appears to be a sleep researcher. Good writing, excellent scientific detail in places. Facinating!
This is the blog of my life online.
Email me at or visit my website--- or find more music here
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This is an awesome blog about sleep, from someone who appears to be a sleep researcher. Good writing, excellent scientific detail in places. Facinating!
This is my big new project! Jodie & I are performing in 14 days (13 days?) at Scala, as our new band Candela. I've decided to start a Podcast of the process of preparation, as we get our original songs together and polished, ready for our first real performance.
Meat and milk from cloned farm animals is about to be declared safe for human consumption by the US Food and Drug Administration, one of the world's most powerful regulatory bodies.
Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine have successfully isolated stem cells from human skin, expanded them in the laboratory and coaxed them into becoming fat, muscle and bone cells. The study, one of the first studies to show the ability of a single adult stem cell to become multiple tissue types, is reported today in Stem Cells and Development.
Read it at the site above. It's available for free.
This is an article about the parasite toxoplasma gondii, carried in a cycle by cats and rats, which infects half of the human population of Britain and up to 90% of the human population of France. It makes all kinds of modifications to your personality, detailed in the article. The parasite has been known of for decades, but the fact that it has actual effects on behaviour is a recent finding.
I was thinking that I need to be a bit better organised. I've got a calendar at a free calendar place, but my lovely wife showed me the Yahoo calendar, and guess what? It kicks butt!
Click above for the full story. The interesting bit is here:
Fasten your seatbelts, here comes the singularity. I didn't expect to see an effort like this one for some time, and it looks like some serious muscle is behind it, namely IBM using the Blue Gene design a new machine called Blue Brain. Holy crap!